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Lift Track
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LiftTrack covers the three basic functions of your Material Handling Fleet: Safety, Operations and Finance. LiftTrack is designed for the purpose of helping organizations comply with OSHA Standard (CFR 1910.178), and to provide management with accurate data to make informed decisions in the company’s profitability.

The LiftTrack Management System automates important daily tasks, allowing your management team to become more efficient in their duties and responsibilities.

From our LiftTrack Safety Station located in the warehouse or using our secure, web-based system, LiftTrack allows you quickly and easily generate useful reports from your PC. Valuable information such as Fleet Status, Daily Safety Inspections, Utilization reports (vehicle or operator), Operator Impacts, Vehicle Down Time, Outstanding Service Request, Pm Scheduling and much more can be retrieved, helping you manage your fleet.

Whether you prefer to manage all costs of your fleet yourself or you would rather let the material-handling experts do the job for you, LiftTrack Invoice Processing allows you to scale up the service and system functionality you require to uncover the cost per hour, helping you make decisions regarding current and future needs.

How do you know if LiftTrack is right for you organization?

- Are my operators doing Safety Inspections on every shift?
- How can I prevent equipment use by untrained personnel?
- Are we following OSHA standards when we red tag a unit?
- When and what kind of training do my operators need?
- Which equipment is the most economical to operate?
- How do I know the best time to replace my forklifts?
- What forklifts in the fleet are we really using?
- Do we have the proper number of forklifts in our fleet?
- Is my Vendor over or under PM the equipment?
- Am I being overcharged for parts and/or labor?

The LiftTrack Management System answers all these questions and more!

Click on the Online Demo sign up to view our Safety inspection, System Overview and Sample Reports.


Online Client Services

LiftTrack clients are able to access the warehouse floor kiosk 24/7. Not just their local warehouse. . . any warehouse in their network. Without spending a dime on travel.
The power of LiftTrack.

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